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6/24/2007 01:54:00 PM
pray, eat, drink, jump, mug, sleep
gosh... i hate this leaking nose!!!!!! arrgh... hopefully it goes away before tomorrow's repelling!

Anyway, ICT so far has been pretty boring. Surprising thing is that i managed to stay awake for most of the lessons. The dumbest part has been me forgetting to bring in my PT shoes! Thankfully, Samuel lent me his shoes. But then again, the company's plans for a welcome PT was dashed thanks to CAT1. (*4 coy does it again) And guess what, thanks to tuang's arrow i'm once again doing armskote. and guys.... STOP asking me, "how come you are not in the armskote?" when we are sending arms. I'm now a ARMSKOTE ASSITANT! not Armskoteman!

rite ~sniffles... i think nothin much to key in ler. this flu and all better go away soon >.< ....

6/20/2007 10:59:00 PM
pray, eat, drink, jump, mug, sleep
Hey frens! will be away for in camp trainin back at Hendon. all the way till 29th!


6/19/2007 11:37:00 PM
pray, eat, drink, jump, mug, sleep
'somethings missing... i've got this
whole big cake all to myself
and i really wish im not the only one eating it.'

oh well, managed to fix the prob in the pictures for my Grad trip site. but still got like another 16 days more to put in!!!!

achievement of the day:

Managed to figure out how to calculate my options and to place my orders online! yeyeyey!!!!
(thank you ernest! you are like probably one little step closer to gettin back your 4000bucks!) ~muahaha

and since i've not been in here for so long, i'll list down the stuff that seemed to have whizzed past the last 1 week...

  • Swift Meet really not worth the 6 bucks we paid per pax.... period.
  • ACS got 123 for high jump, but dun worry boys, you'll kick their arse during nationals!
  • Condolences to Uncle Kim Shang and Aunty Luhsy for the passing of her dad
  • My lil sis's havin a rough patch so i hope she gets over it
  • My bro's in the States and i wanna fly over and have a holiday dere too!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Yukiko is a damn powerful girl (hate to admit this, but thanks for getting ur daddy to get me outta reservist one day earlier! you rawk!)
  • I got a NYPS track suit too!!!!!
  • Prawning is postponed to after the JC block test
  • Shiraz Gathering prob at my place after adrian gets back so if u guys are reading this, take note!
  • Great Singapore Sale Acquisitions thus far:
    1. Handphone: Nokia 5070 (free!!!)
    2. Converse Shoes
    3. Handphone Pouch
    4. DVD Player
    5. New Haircut (thanks to the damn reservist)
Rite... that's that. A quick summary!

'I want to share my cake......'

6/16/2007 10:14:00 PM
pray, eat, drink, jump, mug, sleep
Ritey! Finally have the time to start transfering what was all in my head into my blog and throw in some pictures!!!! But it's gonna take some time so yar i'll add more days in as i get more time. Can go to this link to view it!!!!!!!!!

Yups!!!!!!!!! Cheers!!!!!!!!

I am ME
I am now...

officially 5% a paralympian

no longer Mr Woon in school, just David Woon(at least for 2 years)

always in some kind of pain, one injury after another

really thinkin about where i want my life to lead

just another student

just another struggling student

watch my spendings

beginning to see that i decide if im on the side of the fence i wanna be on

tryin to go church more regularly!

Your current obessions ;
I am....

A little bit silly...

A little bit of egoistic...

A little bit smart...

A little bit crappy...

A little bit gossipy

A little bit of a glutton...

A little bit optismistic...

A little bit happy-go-lucky...

A little bit talkative...

A little bit cheeky...

A little bit cynical...

A little bit nonsensical... (that how u spell nonsensical?)

A little bit of a dreamer...

(I think) a little bit cute...

A little bit helpful...

A little bit of a good listener